Feb 24, 2012

Are you HAZWOPER certified?

WildRescue hosted another 24-Hour OSHA Hazardous Waste Occasional Site Worker course this week. There are now 14 additional responders in the Bay Area who have the necessary training to qualify them for response during oil spills. Participants included wildlife rehabilitators, animal control officers, and park employees.

Since the Cosco Busan, WildRescue's director, Rebecca Dmytryk, has been a strong advocate for greater preparedness in the Bay Area so that when the next large oil spill occurs there will be a greater number of trained and properly equipped wildlife responders to cover the extensive shoreline.

If you are interested in attaining a 24-Hour certification, please email rebecca@wildrescue.org to be notified of the next class. Normally costing over $400.00, we are able to offer the course for $50.00 per student, thanks to the generosity of the instructor. 

1 comment:

hazwoper certification said...

That is good news then. Congrats to those who have finished the hazwoper training program. I'm sure that they are really going to find it really useful and helpful in making sure that they do their jobs without exposing themselves to the different hazards and dangers of the workplace.