Aug 13, 2016

Pelican Patrol Boat

By Rebecca Dmytryk

Photo by Tim Blair CCL.

Over the years, my friend and colleague Jay Holcomb would speak often about the need for a boat to conduct proactive searches in marinas - along jetties and breakwaters where ailing birds tend to congregate - places that are impossible to reach without a boat. 

We used to talk about how great it would be to locate and capture injured and ill pelicans sooner than later, before they're too compromised, giving them a better chance of recovering. 

A Pelican Patrol, we'd call it.

Jay died in 2014 before his dream could be realized. It is time we make this happen.

Please help us turn this dream into a reality by making a contribution of $100.00 or more, HERE. If you rather send a check, please write Pelican Patrol in the memo section.

The boat will be named The Jay Bird in honor of Jay Holcomb.

Thank you for your support.

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