Apr 18, 2014

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Kenya. Mobile vets rushed to aid Siena, an 11-year old Marsh Pride lioness of the Masai Mara Nature Reserve. She had been gored by a male buffalo and suffered life-threatening injuries. 

The David Sheldrake Wildlife Trust (DSWT) immediately deployed Kenyan Wildlife Service veterinarian Dr. Njoroge. It took nearly two hours to clean and stitch up the gaping wound. Check out the incredible video below, or HERE.

Representatives from the DSWT have been monitoring Siena's progress since the April 4th surgery. While there were a few complications from infection and the wound opening up, reports from the Mara Vet Team indicate the injury is healing as it should.

The lioness appears to be walking strongly, suckling her cubs and, for now, experts believe there's no need for further intervention.

Get a feel for what their rescue teams encounter - check out the David Sheldrake Wildlife Trust's Mobile Vet Units Monthly Report from March 2014, HERE.

Support their efforts, HERE.

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