Jan 1, 2012

Wild Brew Label Art Contest

This year, WildRescue is adding an organic and sustainably produced coffee to its line of products. Wild Brew is roasted and blended at a small company in Covington, Louisiana. Proceeds from each sale supports WildRescue's endeavors. 

To help us find just the right label for THE best tasting dark roasted coffee, we've launched an art contest - open to anyone, of any age!

The winner will receive a pound of Wild Brew and one of our cool, lead-free coffee mugs.

Be creative - go wild - draw, paint, or photograph! 

Just an idea. Colorful Beast by Kryz.

Deadline to submit your artwork is February 10, 2012. Email a photo or scan of your submission, along with all of your contact information, to admin@wildrescue.org.

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